Kill Team: Toofrippas Krew Orks

Kill Team: Toofrippas Krew Orks

  • £36.00
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Kill Team: Toofrippa's Krew (English) Product Description

An expansion for Kill Team: Elites, this box includes 5 miniatures, a scenery set, a background booklet, as well as brand-new Tactics and Mission cards. Included: - 8-page Toofrippa’s Krew booklet - 14 Orks Tactics cards (1 of which is exclusive to this set) - 2 Mission cards designed for use with an Orks kill team - 1 Orks Kill Team tokens sheet - 5 Flash Gitz datacards - 5 multipart plastic Flash Gitz miniatures armed with a variety of enormous snazzguns - 1 set of Sector Sanctoris Ruins This expansion requires a copy of the Kill Team Core Rules Manual and Kill Team: Elites to use.