Trudvang Adventures: Hero Companion

Trudvang Adventures: Hero Companion

  • £39.50
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Brave the dangers of Trudvang 

The Hero Companion contains rules and inspiration for players to create their own characters and play in the realm of Trudvang. 

This book is an essential reference for all players and game masters, containing rules for character creation, spells, combat, and much more. 

The Hero Companion include the following chapters:

  • Introduction
  • Creating a Character
  • Ancestries and Kins
  • Cultures
  • Archetypes and Subtypes
  • Character Options
  • Equipment
  • Adventuring
  • Damage and Fear
  • Prayers and Spells


Trudvang Adventures is the 5E adaption of Trudvang Chronicles. Trudvang Chronicles was voted “the most anticipated role-playing game of 2017” by the ENworld readers. Previous Swedish editions of the game have been awarded and hailed for the rich art, world and evocative setting of Trudvang.