In Caravan, players must use their camels to deliver goods where they are wanted. Each player starts with five camels in their color (or six in an introductory game), and the game board is seeded with eight goods on the spaces numbered 1-8, with demand markers placed on the goods at spaces 1, 2, 7 and 8. The first player in the game takes one action, the second player two, and so on until someone takes four actions, after which each player can take up to four actions on their turn. Actions are:
- Place or move an unladen camel of your color into an empty space: 1 action
- Place or move an unladen camel of your color into an occupied space: 2 actions
- Pick up a good and place it on the camel in that space: 1 action; if any demand markers are on this space, you keep them.
- Move a good along a chain of your camels, ending with it on top of one of your unladen camels: 1 action
- Steal a good from on top of an opponent's laden camel, placing it under one of your camels in the same space: 1 action and a theft marker; if you have no theft markers, you can't do this.
Players: 2-4
Ages: 13+
Playing Time: 45 Minutes