D-Day Dice War Stories Expansion
War Stories: little scenarios that are written on a card, randomly drawn or chosen at the beginning of the game. These scenarios use tokens to add various effects to the game, like artillery fire, or to set specific objectives for the players, like trying to find dead officers on the beach. Some even simulate the rising tide or give the player added bonuses if they perform certain actions.
Legendary Units: Now, every player plays a historical unit that fought in the Normandy landings. Legendary Units come with their respective Legendary Specialists and Legendary Items, which are always available, but only to their respective Legendary Unit. Also, each Unit comes with its own set of RWB bonuses, adding a lot of replay value and variety to the game.
Poland: A 5th player color (black), with a full set of Specialists and dice (and its own set of RWB bonuses). This will give players either a new color to choose from, or the option to add a 5th player to the fray.
Servicemen: The Servicemen cards represent individual infantrymen that join your Unit for a while. Each comes with resources: on every Serviceman card, 2 or 3 dice results are shown. You can discard the Serviceman whenever you want to add his results to your Final Tally (this might help you obtain some RWB bonuses).
Last Man Standing: This module introduces a new way to play the game. Think of it as “reverse D-Day Dice”. You will be given a full Unit of soldiers at the start of the game, and then you will roll each turn to see how many you lose. Will there be enough men standing in the end to storm the Bunker? Includes a new Specialist (the Crackshot) and player aids with new RWB tables.