Malifaux: Method to the Madness

  • £30.75
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The Bayou

Nestled to the east of Malifaux City is the Bayou, an expansive swamp with open marshes, flooded wetlands, and acres of pig farms. Beneath the branches is a cobbled-together Gremlin society that mimics the important elements of humanity, like brewing alcohol, shooting guns, and generally being a lethal nuisance to society. The Bayou is a chaotic place, and the denizens will do whatever it takes to keep it that way.

The Resurrectionists

It might start with an itch, a whisper; a need to be scratched, screamed or delivered. The Resurrectionists, like the stitches and sutures that keep their corpses together, are grave robbers, serial killers, and innovators that are loosely bound together by common enemies, goals, and the voice in their heads. Most have retreated to places like the Quarantine Zone or the sewers, where their practices are judged not by their peers, but more often worshipped. Able to Manipulate and master the inevitability of death, The Resurrectionists are difficult to put down. as they keep getting right back up.


  • 1x Wong, The Enchanter
  • 1x Backup Assistant
  • 1x Professor Von Schtook, Stargazer

Please Note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.