Warmachine Reckoning
The rising threat of the Cryxian armies has become too great. Death permeates the war-torn region, and Empress Ayn and King Leto themselves chance incredible danger to meet and coordinate their stand. The Protectorate’s Northern Crusade joins Khador and Cygnar in a final alliance of men against the unending armies of the Dragonfather. As these armies combine to expel the deathless forces of Cryx from the mainland, in tunnels below the battleground a lone Khadoran soldier fights to save one of the Motherland’s greatest legends.
WARMACHINE: Reckoning brings you the next thrilling chapter of the WARMACHINE saga. Fight for survival with:
- • New warcasters, including new heroes as well as epic incarnations of some of WARMACHINE’s most feared and revered legends.
- • A new generation of colossals to level the opposition.
- • An array of new warjacks, including the personal warjacks of several powerful warcasters.
- • New solos to bring a greater range of utility to the battlefield.
- • New narrative fiction continuing the action of WARMACHINE: Vengeance.
- • A painting and modeling guide to help you prepare your forces for battle.
- • Theme Force lists for each new warcaster, which allow you to create armies based on specialized forces found in the WARMACHINE world.